Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rearranging the Boys' Bedroom

This last weekend, I decided to go through the kids' bedroom once again to do a cleansing. I took out 95% of the of remaining plastic toys, junk, and character stuff from the last toy cleanout. Most of that is in my trunk, ready to be sent off to the local thrift store. Then, I decided to remove all the movies from the living room (too accessable, and yes, we are still watching movies, though we haven't had TV in about 6 years) and into the top shelves of the kids' closet. I want them to still be accessable, but sort of forgotten as they gather dust up there. I can't remove them completely yet, but it is a gradual process. Although, I did implement a new rule upon starting to formally "homeschool" my preschooler yesterday, which was that he can only watch movies on the weekends. This, I am excited about because I have been bad with this since we moved to our new house a few months ago.

My husband is starting a bunk bed business and he just built a short loft bed for my son, which has a spacious space underneath for just about anything in a young child's world. Right now, all we have done is hang a sarong across the front and put some cushions and animals inside. I plan to refine this, like put playsilks across the ceiling of the "castle" or "cave" part of the bed or hang needle felted ornaments from the wooden slats, or something. This inspired me to do a whole bedroom/living room arrangement. My husband is going to build a tall loft bed that creates an even bigger space below to place a desk or whatever. We are getting rid of the previous bunk bed that was separated into 2 beds and the matching colossal dresser/shelves. I am excited because there is all this open space and vacant room...I can think clear-minded, the kids can play clear-minded. Well it will be filled in with more attractive custom made drawers, kitchenette, fridge, and low shelves. This will be a slow process, but hopefully we can get this all implemented within a couple of months. There is still a bit of rearranging to do, but we are headed n that direction.

Books were another category of items we had too much of. So many of these books that I decided to get rid of were based on movie characters, or were just of lower quality. From 2 bookshelves-full, we ended up with one. So, I moved the low bookshelf into the boys' room as a temporary home for all of their kitchen toys. When I was in there, I gazed at our 9-year-old's bookshelf. I ended up eliminating 1/3 of his chapter books, which were mostly GooseBumps. Now he is left with an array of Newberrys, naturesque books, animal stories, fairy tales, and so on...

Furthermore, the only kiddie things we have in the living room anymore are the couple of Waldorf babies in the corner of the sectional couch blanketed by a couple of fairy play silks, and our developing nature table, which, by the way, gets "rearranged" at least 20 times daily by our 16-month-old...we are working on it. See pic for our nature-table-in-progress. This is great because our old house was dominated by little kid junk! I guess I just didn't really know where to start at the time.

There will be more updates in the future on the updates in our home and life!


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