Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My "Notebook" - Organize Life With a Binder(s)

Getting organized can be done in many ways. There isn't just one right way to go about this. I have discovered the use of a binder (or binders) with dividers. There are just too many aspects of life for me to keep track of on my own, so I end up writing things down. The only problem with writing things down is that I often don't look at what I wrote. However, with a binder filled with all my schedules and lists and planners, I am sure to keep refering back to it again and again.

My "Notebook" is a work in progress, but so far, I have included the following:
• Personal Information for each child (Developmental Toys and materials, extra curricular activities…)
• Clothing Size Tracker
• Master Occassions (Birthdays, Anniversaries….)
• Gift Ideas List
• Birthday Party Ideas
• Recommended Websites
• Movies to Watch
• Books to Read
• Library Information
• Craft Queue and Progress
• Holiday Planner

• Weekly Planner for each child
• Reading List
• Summer Programs Information

• Monthly Cleaning Schedule
• Home Inventory
• Home Improvement/Decorating Ideas
• Car Maintenance /Schedule

• Weekly Schedule
• Shopping List

• Spending Record
• Bills to Pay
• Credit Card List

There are so many other subjects and categories that are important to every individual life. This list is not a full reference list of what one should have in their “Notebook” if they so choose to start one, but it is a great start. I have yet to expand on mine listed here, but at least now I feel like I am much more in control of my life. :)


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