Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hanukkah: Celebrating as We Learn

December is full of holiday spirit. Not only Christmas falls in this month, but also Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a celebration we are just learning about. I have read a few Hanukkah books to Jaguar, began a small Hanukkah coloring book, and created a few activities, along with his older brother, Lynx.

Since we are on such a low budget, we just made a menorah out of leftover homemade autumn play dough, which actually looks quite like a submarine. We poked holes in it with birthday cake candles and Ta Da! We have been adding a candle and lighting it every night.

Both Lynx and Jaguar secretly made gifts for one another, and exchanged them the next morning. They each made picture frames, which was funny because they picked out almost identical features for each frame. This was very rewarding for each of them.

I drew and colored a menorah as an example for the boys, and then Lynx and Jaguar created their own. Good symetry and line activity.

There are other activities we plan on doing, so stay tuned for he next Hanukkah update.


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