Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wondrous Winter Walk in the Woods

Walking in any nature setting with your children is a very spiritual and educational experience. There are new things to be discovered in every direction. Jaguar and I were scoping out mushrooms. We saw a few different kinds. In fact, mushrooms have become so fascinating, I will post a blog specifically on that in the near future. We took another walk yesterday and found at least 6 different types...too bad I didn't have my camera. Jaguar and Bobcat were touching moss and lichen, sticks and ferns, waterways and patches of snow. Jaguar was discovering that snow melts when put into water because the comparably warmer temperature. It was luckily not too cold, or I may have chosen a much sunnier path. Either way, getting your children out into the wild will spark their imagination and sense of exploration. It is simply magical.  


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